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Midlothian Amateur Baseball Association

Midlothian Amateur Baseball Association

Our Programs

Midlothian Little League (Midlothian Amateur Baseball Association)

For Fall 2023 all participants will play a guaranteed 8 games over the regular season along with a single elimination post-season tournament. 

New for the Fall 2023 season are the distinctions between REC and PRIME divisions for Coach Pitch 2, Minors Kid Pitch, and Majors. These divisions will aid in creating some greater competition for more advanced teams while attempting to create a more developmental approach for the youth players that aren't as advanced.

Tee Ball - Ages 4, 5*

Registration Includes Hat, Jersey, Field Fees

Tee Ball starts to teach the players the basics of the game.

*4/5U are the only tee ball divisions with uniforms provided at this time. 

All tee-ball games will be played on Saturdays!

Coach Pitch 1 - Modified Tee Ball - Ages 4-6

6U is Modified Tee Ball with the introduction of coach pitching prior to tee swings

Each player will receive three coach pitches prior to the utilization of a tee for another three swings if necessary. 

All Coach Pitch 1 games will be played on Saturdays!


Minors Coach Pitch 2 - Ages 7, 8*

Coach Pitch takes the players to the next level of play. The kids are pitched to by one of their coaches and play includes an umpire and base running rules.

REC DIVISION : This division will be meant for the more inexperienced or newly age advanced players (such as Modified Coach Pitch 1 moving up to Coach Pitch 2). Existing league teams that finished in the bottom 50% of their division will be permitted to stay at this lower level of play for continued development and to increase parity within the division. 

PRIME DIVISION: This division will be meant for the more advanced coach pitch players (which generally are the 8YO players with multiple years of playing experience). This division will be made up of more competitive teams from previous seasons.  Existing league teams that finished in the top 50% of their division while keeping over 50% of their players will be required to play in the Prime division unless they are moving up an age bracket.  New teams to this division will still be under the same requirements for limitations on bringing in players and will be limited to 4 players brought in prior to filling the rest via draft. 

*To play coach pitch 2 the player must be 6 years old prior to the first game of the season and have game experience. In some cases, a 9 year old may play down in coach pitch if baseball experience is limited and a player evaluation recognizes this to be the division of best fit.

Coach Pitch 2 REC games will be played on Saturdays!

Coach Pitch 2 PRIME games will be played occasionally during weeknights (Generally Tuesday or Thursday) or weekends.


Minors Kid Pitch - Ages 9, 10, 11*

This is the first level where the kids pitch to each other and where there is an increased amount of strategy put into coaching the game. This division plays with tight bases and there is no uncaught third strike rule.

REC DIVISION : This division will be meant for the more inexperienced or newly age advanced players (such as Coach Pitch 2 players moving up to their first season of Minors - Kid Pitch).  Existing league teams that finished in the bottom 50% of their division will be permitted to stay at this lower level of play for continued development and to increase parity within the division. 

PRIME DIVISION: This division will be meant for the more advanced minors players (which generally are the 10U players with multiple years of playing experience). This division will be made up of more competitive teams from previous seasons.  Existing league teams that finished in the top 50% of their division while keeping over 50% of their players will be required to play in the Prime division unless they are moving up an age bracket.  New teams to this division will still be under the same requirements for limitations on bringing in players and will be limited to 3 players brought in prior to filling the rest via draft. 

*Players that are 11 years old could possibly play in either 11U Minors or Majors with the Minors division being meant for those still earlier in their baseball skill development.

Minors Kid Pitch games will be played during weeknights (Generally Tuesday or Thursday)


Majors - Ages 11-12*

This division plays with largely the same rules as the minors division with the addition of the uncaught third strike rule, which gives the batter the ability to advance on an uncaught third strike. This division still plays on a 46-foot pitching distance/60-foot baseline.

REC DIVISION : This division will be meant for the more inexperienced or newly age advanced players (such as Minors  players moving up to their first season of Majors).  Existing league teams that finished in the bottom 50% of their division will be permitted to stay at this lower level of play for continued development and to increase parity within the division. 

PRIME DIVISION: This division will be meant for the more advanced majors players (which generally are the 12U players with multiple years of playing experience). This division will be made up of more competitive teams from prior seasons of existing teams.  Existing league teams that finished in the top 50% of their division while keeping over 50% of their players will be required to play in the Prime division unless they are moving up an age bracket.  New teams to this division will still be under the same requirements for limitations on bringing in players and will be limited to 3 players brought in prior to filling the rest via draft. 

*Players that are 10 years old are eligible to be drafted to the Major division with parent and board approval. Majors will have increased speed of play when compared to the Minors division.

Majors games will be played during weeknights (Generally Tuesday or Thursday)

Intermediate - Ages 11-13

This division offers a transition between the 46-foot pitching distance/60-foot baseline to a 50-foot pitching distance/70-foot baseline.  This division also plays with "open bases", or the ability for base-runners to lead off prior to the delivery of the pitch. This division commonly has players who might also play select or travel baseball.

*Players that are 13 years old are eligible to play either intermediate 50/70 or Juniors which is 60/90. 

Intermediate games will be played during weeknights (Generally Tuesday or Thursday).


Juniors Ages 13-14

This division is a program for players transitioning to a conventional large diamond with a pitching distance of 60’6” and 90-foot baselines.

*Players that are 13 years old are eligible to play either intermediate 50/70 or Juniors which is 60/90. 

Juniors games will be played during both weeknights and weekends depending on the established interleague schedule with other local leagues. 


*In many cases a player will be able to play up 1-2 years above their age division, however, this is generally not advisable.



Midlothian Amateur Baseball Association
P.O. Box 27 
Midlothian, Texas 76065

Email: [email protected]

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